Test Your Positive Thinking
Developed By: Pradeep Aggarwal (http://www.pradeepaggarwal.com)
To find out how positive you are, answer the following questions as honestly as you can using this scoring system:
Answers Points
Always or almost always 5
Usually 4
Sometimes 3
Rarely 2
Never 1
Put your score in the block on the right:
1- When something unexpected forces you to change your plans, you are quick to spot a hidden advantage in this new situation? [ ]
2- Do you like most of the people you meet? [ ]
3- When you think about next year, do you tend to think that you will be better off than you are now? [ ]
4- Do you often stop to admire the things of beauty? [ ]
5- When someone finds fault with you or with something you have done, can you tell the difference between useful criticism and ‘sour grapes’, which is better ignored? [ ]
6- Do you praise your spouse / best friend / lover more often than you criticize him or her? [ ]
7- Do you believe that the human race will survive well into the twenty first century [ ]
8- Are you surprised when a friend lets you down? [ ]
9- Do you think you are happy? [ ]
10- Do you feel comfortable making yourself the target of your own jokes? [ ]
11- Do you believe that, overall, your state of mind has had a positive effect on your physical health? [ ]
12- If you made a list of your 10 favorite people, would name be there on it too? [ ]
13- When you think back over the past few months, do you tend to remember your success before your setbacks and failures? [ ]
Total Points [ ]
If the sum of all the scores is:
Above 55: Consider yourself a superstar - someone whose optimism is a powerful
healing force.
50 - 55: Excellent. You are a genuine positive thinker
45 - 50: Good. You are a positive thinker, sometimes
40 - 45: Fair. Your positive side and your negative side are about evenly matched
Below 40: You tend to be pessimistic. Think of ways to improve your pessimistic approach to life.
Test your positive thinking is a simple format developed for self-analysis of your personality, your outlook and the attitude. Please be honest in answering question and find out How Positive You Are.
14 years ago