Saeed ur Rehman

Blog on Art Of Living Positive Thinking, Mind Power, , Success.


Articles written by famous writers are given here.

Brain Joins Two Worlds by Saleem Gunjial (published in Frontier Post)

Physical and Metaphysical worlds coexist side by side. God, the angles and human souls are mainly metaphysical entities, they are real, rather more than real but they don’t have shape, size, weight or other properties related to physical beings. On the other hand, the physical world is all what we can realise through our five senses. Earth, moon, planets, stars and countless galaxies are categorized as major material bodies in the physical domain. Physical and Non-physical not simply exist paralleled but they overlap. As the metaphysical beings do not collide with physical bodies, so they can stay at one place or point. Considering the human, it is the fusion of three - firstly, the metaphysical i.e. the human soul, it has come from heaven or from God and ultimately it returns to Him. Holy Quran says: Those who, when calamity befalls them, say, “Verily, unto God do we belong and, verily, unto Him we shall return.” (2:156) Secondly, the Physical part i.e the human body, which has been made of clay. Again the Holy Quran says: Now, Indeed, We Create Man Out Of The Essence Of Clay. (23:12) Thirdly, the human brain, which comes between previously, mentioned two parts i.e between body and soul. It is the most complex machine ever existed over the surface of Earth.
Why we call the brain, the most complex machine? Because it has got a very unique function to connect the two major worlds. Human brain is yet undiscovered, we are not fully aware how it performs but we know what it performs. One of its functions is fully related with the metaphysical world or heaven. It thinks, imagines, creates, decides, stimulates, commits and hopes. On the other hand, it performs earthly function of physical world. It gives words to the heavenly ideas which your mouths and tongue utter, it gives vibration to muscles and your hands and arms move, it gives instructions to the fingers to move the pen to translate whatever is pounding into your brain from the heaven into written physical reality. Therefore, the brain has got dual functions and it is bi-functional machine, it performs physical and metaphysical operations separately and simultaneously. It can perform both of those operations up to the limit hitherto unknown. It can see the future if it is used for it, it can see through the concrete walls, it can create something never existed, which is the distinctive ability of Almighty God, it can probe into the galaxies by its quickest flight into them, it can foresee, intuit and many such other functions totally related to the non-physical world. Its actions and reactions, related to the physical world are again miraculous. It can change the body physic and tune its muscles to carry tonnes of weight, it can make our body run faster than a horse, it can make our hands move faster than electric motors, it can make our body to float like a fish and crawl like a snail. In a nutshell, it is performing two very dissimilar operations simultaneously. Then, what is the importance of the brain? Rest of the living beings, including animals, birds, insects and plants have vital signs of life but they don’t have soul. Soul is attached only with human body on Earth. (I always refer to Earth, because we don’t know the creature of the rest of universe) It means, over this planet, there is only one pad where two unanimous and magnanimous worlds i.e. physical and metaphysical worlds interact and that is human brain. Brain is the only conference of two pertinent and contrary worlds. We use gadgets and equipments in our daily lives to transfer one form of energy into another one. We use television and radio to convert one form of waves to sounds and images, we use Auto engine to convert heat into motion, we use tube lights to transform electric energy into light and so on, so many. Similarly, brain is a God bestowed machine used to translate heavenly messages or endowments into the tangible shapes and motions and vice versa. There are electric pulses inside brain and multi-coloured rays coming into and groining out of brain. Our thinking transmits rays, which attract or distract many living or non-living bodies around us. Soul can fly into vast stretches of universe. When we go into sleep, our soul leaves this body for some time and roams around. Almighty Allah says in the Quran. It is God who causes all human beings to die at the time of their death, and during their sleep, those that have not yet died: thus, He withholds [from life] those upon whom He has decreed death, and lets the others go free for a term set [by Him]. In [all] this, behold, there are messages indeed for people who think! (39:42) In the process of its flight, it encounters many things new, which gives to our brain a feed for creation. Anything acquired from unknown world is transformed into tangible form by the second faculty of brain. How the spacecraft has been manufactured? How the hundred storey plazas have been erected, how cities, roads and parks have been constructed and how the computer and cellular phone have been invented. They got their first birth in some brain and then they were translated into physical shapes. This all has happened because our brain is accommodating both phenomena. Wild animals have been living in jungles for the last millions of years, birds are yet living in the tree branches, reptiles are living in narrow dark holes and fish have never learned to walk on seashore. Because, their brains are not made to accommodate both worlds. It is only the human brain that can work like a sensitive and strong transformer to transform the fascinating non-physical entities into physical domes. It is limitless in power and depth and precedence less in the number of functions.